Quote of the Day: Amber Lyon’s New “Psychedelic Journalism” Website Explains a Lot

Now comes this: the news that Lyon’s starting a website called Reset.me, which she hopes will be a valuable resource for anyone seeking information on alternative remedies for whatever ails them. And by alternative remedies, she means ‘shrooms and yajé. Lyon claims that she began doing ayahuasca out of desperation to treat the PTSD she suffered in the wake of, you know, working in TV news.… Read More Quote of the Day: Amber Lyon’s New “Psychedelic Journalism” Website Explains a Lot

The Conspiracy Theory Vortex Sucks Down Another One

The way it breaks down is simple, and that’s that the more outlandish your claim, the more evidence you need to have to back it up before you deserve to be taken seriously. The fact that there’s a report saying that DARPA has the technology to hack cars proves that DARPA actually crashed Michael Hastings’ car the same way that the fact that I own a gun means I killed Biggie Smalls.… Read More The Conspiracy Theory Vortex Sucks Down Another One

Why is Amber Lyon Peddling Conspiracy Theories Over Michael Hastings’ Death?

Former CNN journalist Amber Lyon claims that Rolling Stone journalist Michael Hastings was killed by the federal government because of a story he was working on. There’s no evidence that Hastings was killed by the FBI, so why on earth is Lyon joining nuts like Alex Jones and peddling this ridiculous internet conspiracy?… Read More Why is Amber Lyon Peddling Conspiracy Theories Over Michael Hastings’ Death?